Unfinished hotel complex

Location:1А Svetushka Str., the city of Tryavna, Gabrovo District  
Type of property:
Unfinished hotel complex, consisting of:
- Three-storey hotel building -  built-up area 381 sq.m. and gross floor area 1 387 sq.m.
- Restaurant and SPA center/two-storey building/-  built-up area 581 sq.m. and gross floor area 777 sq.m.
- Nine two-storey terraced houses, grouped in three groups each with three houses – with total built-up area of 355,50 sq.m. and total GFA 765 sq.m.
- Renovated two-storey villa – built-up area 134.5 sq.m. and GFA 324 sq.m.
- Garage -  built-up area 51 sq.m.
Plot area:21 745 sq.m.
Total built-up area:1 503 sq.m.
Gross floor area:3 304 sq.m.
Type of construction:monolithic, reinforced concrete, brick walls
Stage of completion:Rough construction