Personal data protection

BULGARIAN – AMERICAN CREDIT BANK AD, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Registry Agency, with Unified Identification Code (UIC) 121246419, with seat and registered address in Sofia 1000, Sofia Municipality, Sredets District, 2, Slavyanska str. web site, phone: 070014488 or *4488 process your personal data in its capacity of personal data controller within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Submission of personal complaints

Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD offers banking services at high professional standards. The quality of services offered by BACB is a key priority for the Вank.
In case you are a customer of BACB, but for some reason remain unsatisfied, do not hesitate to contact us.
We advise you if possible, first to contact our employees from the office that serves you. It is possible that the issue is of an operational nature and can be resolved on the spot.

Whistleblowing under Whistleblower Protection Act

Any interested person - business partner, external contractor, other third party, as well as any individual who in the course of the performance of work duties or in another work context, has information about a violation at BACB that has come to his or her attention in connection with a business relationship outside of the provision of banking services to customers and customer relationships can file a report for misconduct or unethical behaviour under the terms and conditions of Whistleblower Protection Act.