BACB will distribute dividends
Based on the 2022 record-breaking financial result, which ranked "Bulgarian-American Credit Bank" (BACB) among the 10 most profitable banks in Bulgaria, BACB’s General Meeting of Shareholders approved the proposal of the Supervisory Board to distribute part of the profit in the form of dividends. The approved gross dividend per share is BGN 0.10 or a total of BGN 2 469 131.30 in dividends.
We would like to note that BACB is a public company and its shares are traded on the BSE. The dividend distribution following a 15-year pause, demonstrates the bank's solid performance and its ability to reward its shareholders for their invested capital.
The general meeting of shareholders decided that the rest of BACB's profit for 2022 in the amount of BGN 41 194 458.49, will be transferred to the "Reserve" fund to ensure the bank’s continued sustainable development.