Information for decisions of the GMS and dividend distribution

Pursuant to art. 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/ 2014 on market abuse (“Regulation (EU) No. 596/ 2014”), art. 100x of the Public Offering of Securities Act (“POSA”) and art. 24 et seq. of Ordinance No. 2 d.d. 09.11.2021 of the Financial Supervision Commission for initial and subsequent disclosure of information in public offerings of securities and admission of securities to trading on a regulated market (“Ordinance No. 2 of FSC”) the Bulgarian-American Credit Bank hereby notifies for facts, circumstances and information which represent inside information” under art. 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/ 2014 and information, subject to disclosure pursuant to Chapter Six “a” of POSA under the procedure of Ordinance No. 2 of FSC, as follows:

On May 21 2024 the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of BACB, Unique identifier of the event BACB21052024AGMS, took place. The GMS adopted the following decisions:

  1. Approved the (1) Audited BACB Annual Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023 and the Annual Consolidated Management Report of BACB for 2023, together with Independent Auditors’ Report, (2) Audited BACB Annual Financial Statements for 2023 and the Annual Management Report of BACB for 2023, together with Independent Auditors’ Report and (3) the Report on the implementation of BACB Remuneration Policy in 2023;
  2. Adopt a decision for the distribution of the profit of BACB AD for the financial year 2023, after taxation in the amount of BGN 54,899,192.16 (fifty-four million eight hundred and ninety-nine thousand one hundred and ninety-two leva and sixteen cents/stotinki), as follows:
    2.1.    A part of BACB's profit for 2023, after taxation in the amount of BGN 19,753,050.40 (nineteen million seven hundred and fifty-three thousand and fifty leva and forty cents/ stotinki) shall be distributed as dividend to the shareholders who, pursuant to art. 115c, paragraph 3 of the POSA are entitled to receive dividend, namely - the persons who are entered in the register of the Central Depository as shareholders on 04.06.2024. The gross dividend per share is BGN 0.80 (eighty stotinki/cents). The net dividend per share applicable only to shareholders - natural persons is BGN 0.76 (seventy-six stotinki/ cents);
    2.2.    The remaining part of the profit of BACB for 2023, after taxation in the amount of 35,146,141.76 (thirty-five million one hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred and forty-one leva and seventy-six cents/stotinki) shall be allocated to the Reserve Fund.
  3. Appointed “Ernst&Young Audit” OOD, UIC 130972874 and “BDO Afa” OOD, UIC 030278596 as auditors for joint independent financial audit of the annual Financial Statements of Bulgarian-American Credit Bank, individual and consolidated, for the financial year 2024;
  4. Adopted amendments and supplements to art. 14 (“Bonds and other Debt Securities”), para (1) and (2) of the BACB By-laws.
    The amended and supplemented BACB By-laws will be published in the Commercial Register after granting the necessary approval by BNB pursuant to the requirements of the Credit Institutions Act.
    BACB shall undertake the necessary actions for granting the respective regulatory approval and subsequent publishing in the Commercial Register of the amended By-laws.

In addition to the above, the General Meeting adopted decisions under the rest of the prior announced agenda, approving the proposals included in the Agenda and the Agenda Materials of the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting of the General Meeting of the Shareholders, Unique identifier of the event BACB21052024AGMS, will be disclosed within the regulatory deadline.