Corporate Status

The Bulgarian American Credit Bank AD is a licensed banking institution, duly established and existing in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria. The existence of the Bank is not limited in time.

The Bank was established by a decision of the Constituent Meeting of Shareholders held on December 22, 1995 and was registered in the commercial register of the Sofia City Court by a court decision of December 3, 1996.

The Bank is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Registry Agency with UIC 121246419. The bank holds a universal banking license to perform banking activities.

Bulgarian American Credit Bank AD is a public corporation within the meaning of the Public Offering of Securities Act and is registered in the register in accordance with Article 30, para 1, item 3 of the Financial Supervision Commission Act (FSCA) by decision No. 176-PD of 08.03.2006 of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC). The issue of shares from the court registered capital of the Bank is entered in the register under Article 30, para 1, item 3 of the FSCA, kept by the FSC for the purpose of trading on a regulated market. The issue of shares from the capital of the Bank with ISIN code BG1100098059 is traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia AD with code 5BN.

Corporate Governance

The corporate governance of the Bulgarian American Credit Bank is a system and organization of internal management with certain functions, rights and responsibilities of all bodies - General Meeting of Shareholders, Audit Committee, Supervisory Board and its committees, Management Board and its committees, internal audit, compliance office, risk management structure and other structures in the headquarters and the office network. The Bulgarian American Credit Bank has a two-tier governance system, consisting of Supervisory Board and Management Board.

The Bulgarian American Credit Bank corporate bodies:

The General Meeting of Shareholders consists of all shareholders with voting rights and is the highest governing body that entitles the shareholders to make decisions on fundamental issues concerning the existence and operation of the Bank, in accordance with the provisions of the current Statutes (Charter) of the Bulgarian American Credit Bank and the applicable provisions of the acting Bulgarian legislation.

The Supervisory Board is the body that determines the development strategy and business objectives of the Bank and exercises general supervision and preliminary, current and subsequent control over the activities of the Bank’s Management Board. The Supervisory Board consists of three members-natural persons.

Members of the Supervisory Board 

The activity of the Supervisory Board is supported by а Risk Committee, which functions in accordance with certain rules, structure, scope of activities and functions, in accordance with the requirements of the acting legislation. 

As a corporation that carries out activities of public interest within the meaning of the Independent Financial Audit Act, a specialized body has been established and operates at the Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD - Audit Committee with functions, rights and obligations, and responsibilities regarding financial audit, internal control and internal audit. The Audit Committee is elected by and reports to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The Management Board is the body that manages and represents the Bank, performing its activities under the control of the Supervisory Board. The Management Board implements the development strategy of the Bank adopted by the Supervisory Board and resolves all issues within the Bank's activities, except those that are within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders or the Supervisory Board. The Management Board consists of five members - natural persons.

Members of the Management Board

The activity of the Management Board is supported by internal subsidiary bodies such as: Credit Committees, Assets and Liabilities Management Committee, Problematic Receivables Committee and similar, which the Management Board establishes, maintains and periodically updates and which operate in accordance with internal rules and procedures.

The Bulgarian-American Credit Bank maintains a Risk Management Structure, which identifies, assesses, measures and manages all risks to the Bank, as well as the internal and external sources of risk, in accordance with the policies and procedures adopted by the Supervisory Board and the Management Board and in accordance with the requirements of the acting legislation.

Bulgarian-American Credit Bank maintains a function and a Compliance Office, as well as a Regulatory Compliance Office in relation to the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing  (Regulatory Compliance and Control Department), which performs the functions related to the establishment and functioning of the activity for the implementation and observance of regulatory compliance and the regulatory compliance function in relation to the prevention of Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing on the basis of an appropriate system and mechanism of internal rules, procedures and practices in compliance with the requirements for managing the risk of non-compliance with regulatory law.

Internal audit (Specialized Internal Audit Service) assists the governance bodies - the Supervisory Board and the Management Board in making decisions and achieving the goals set through independent and objective assessment of the effectiveness and findings for improving the risk management, control and management processes.

Being a public corporation, the Bulgarian American Credit Bank discloses to the public (through the information agency and its website ) on regular basis information, including the annual financial statements audited by independent auditors, as well as interim quarterly reports and activity reports. The Bank immediately discloses information ad hoc on important events related to its activities and in compliance with the applicable legal requirements regarding disclosure of information by public companies

Corporate Governance Code

Pursuant to the requirements of art. 100m (7) of the Public Offering of Securities Act the Deputy-Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission approved the National Code for Corporate Governance, adopted in 2007, with following amendments in 2012 and 2016 as a “Corporate Governance Code” in the meaning of art. 100m (8) of POSA.

Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD shall continue to comply as appropriate the National Code for Corporate Governance.

The text of the National Code for Corporate Governance is available on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia AD  web site.

By-laws of Bulgarian American Bank AD

Remunerations policy in Bulgarian-American Credit Bank AD

Regulatory compliance policy of BACB AD