VISA Classic revolving credit card is a convenient and cost-effective payment instrument
- 50 days grace period for interest-free debt payment
- Contactless payments
- Greater security for online payments thanks to Verified by VISA (VbV) secure payment automatic registration
- No issuance fee
- No reissuance fee upon card expiry
- No fee for payment of goods and services in Bulgaria and abroad
- No fee for online payments
- No collateral (credit limit without collateral)
- No solvency assessment for issuing VISA Classic card (pledge of financial assets)
- Optional SMS notifications for each authorization
- Free card delivery to your address or to a BACB office
- Optional SMS with secure payment PIN and password for even greater security
- Secure and convenient use of own funds, added to the credit limit
VISA Classic is a revolving credit card, with a credit limit provided by BACB. This card allows you to make online payments fast and easy, to shop at POS terminals in Bulgaria and around the world, and to make online reservations via e-mail or phone. BACB International VISA Classic revolving credit card supports the contactless payment function (PayWave). PayWave allows cardholders to purchase goods and services for less than 100 BGN without a PIN or a signature on a POS terminal receipt. The card provides maximum protection against abuse, guaranteed by chip technology. BACB VISA Classic credit cards offer high level of security for online payments, since BACB cards automatically receive a password for secure online payments.
Who is it suitable for
VISA Classic is suitable for everyone who wants to use it as a universal payment instrument and for those who want to benefit from the interest-free 50-day grace period.
Currency :
Validity :
3 years
- Credit limit – from 500 BGN to 5000 BGN
- Up to 50 days’ interest-free grace period if the entire debt is paid within this period
- Optional SMS notifications for each authorization
- Possibility to use own funds exceeding the credit limit
- Possibility to issue additional cards for relatives or children above the age of 14
- 24-hour service from BORICA card center
Necessary documents
- A request for issuing a credit card to natural persons
- Card-holder’s ID card (in case of application at a branch at BACB branch office)
- Qualified Electronic Signature (in case of online application)
If documented proof of income is required:
- A certificate by the employer, indicating the cardholder’s monthly salary (on Bank’s template)
- Persons, who assume management positions, yet are not owners/co-owners of their employer companies, must submit their management contracts to serve as proof of income
- Persons, who assume management positions and are owners/co-owners of their employer companies, must submit their management contract along with the latest certified tax return to serve as proof of profit of the company they manage / represent
- In case of non-employment income – a copy of the tax return, service contracts, management contracts, contracts, evidencing rental income, etc.
- A certificate, under art. 87, para. 6 of the Tax and Social Insurance Procedure Code – for credit limits, exceeding 10 000 BGN (related to the debtor and the owner of the collateral)
- BACB Deposit/s contract/s, which shall serve as collaterals of the credit limit (in case of pledges of a financial asset)
- Other documents, requested by BACB at its discretion