Transfers through BISERA6

Through the national payment system BISERA6, the Bank's customers can receive the following types of BGN transfers:

Instant BGN transfers Blink
  • Processing Incoming Blink transfers:  24*7*365, to current accounts in BGN, current accounts in foreign currency, savings accounts, accounts servicing loans/credit cards initiated from bank account opened in Payment Service Provider participating in the Blink Programme of the National Card and Payment Scheme part of BORICA AD. Customer account is credited immediately with value date of the incoming instant transfer. For incoming blink transfers to an account in foreign currency the applicable FX rate of the Bank at the time of processing is applied.
  • Maximum amount: up to 30 000 BGN set by National Card and Payment Scheme part of BORICA AD, but Payment Service Providers can define lower limits at their own discretion
Bulk payments in BGN (Payment orders for credit transfer and Payment orders received from the budget accounts)
  • Receipt: from 0:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on business days to any account, including foreign currency accounts*. Funds are available in the recipient's account upon their receipt. The payment is credited to the account with the value day of  the payment received
  • Maximum amount; BGN 999 999 999.99

Transfers through RINGS

  • Receipt: from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on business days on any account, including foreign currency accounts*. Funds are available in the recipient's account upon their receipt
  • Maximum amount; without limitation

Intra-bank transfers

Transfer between  accounts held within the Bank, including to accounts in foreign currency*. Funds are available in the recipient's account when the transfer is executed.

Fees and commissions

The Bank does not apply fees and commissions to recipients of BGN payments.

*In case of a receipt of a BGN transfer to a foreign currency account, the amount of the transfer is converted at the Bank's exchange rate applicable at the time when  the transaction is executed.