To protect your online card payments better, BACB automatically registers each bank card for additional security. Currently, payments are confirmed by a dynamic password sent via SMS and a static password set by you.
To further facilitate your online shopping, we have introduced B-Trust Mobile - an application that replaces password memorisation and input of SMS codes, with easy confirmation by your smartphone’s biometric authentication. In addition to the complete history of confirmed card payments, the application allows you tо register and manage multiple cards.
To use B-Trust Mobile with B-Token you need to download it to your smart phone and register one of your cards. After successful activation of B-Token, all your cards issued by BACB will be automatically enrolled for this authorisation method for online card operations. You can see how to do it here.
We recommend the app as a faster and easier way to confirm your card payments.
The existing method with SMS code and password remains valid and if you decide to use it, you can find help here.
For further assistance you may call Card Business department on phone +359 875 311 281