If your employees still do not have bank cards or if you want to provide them with the latest generation card products, ensuring contactless payments, maximum security and multi-functionality, we are pleased to bring to your and you employees’ attention our special proposal for issuing international debit cards by the BACB.
Bulgarian American Credit Bank AD offers to open accounts and issue bank cards to your employees free of charge, as the available options are:
- International debit cards VPAY
- Contactless international debit cards MasterCard Standard
- Contactless international debit cards MasterCard Gold
How are credit cards issued to your employees?
- The opening of the accounts and issuance of the debit cards is done after submission of a cumulative file, containing all necessary details about the employees, for opening current accounts and the registration of applications for the issuing debit cards on bank’s form.
The file for opening accounts and issuing cards is to be submitted at one of BACB’s offices.
After issuing the cards, an employee of BACB will personally hand them out to your employees at your office, against signing an individual contract.
File for opening payment accounts and registration of applications for issuing debit cards for your employees.
- For opening payment accounts and registration of applications for issuing debit cards for your employees you need to submit to a BACB officer a file in a format as specified by the bank
- To prepare the file, we recommend that you consult the company, that provides the accounting services regarding payment of salaries
Companies that do not use specialized accounting software can for their convenience use the MS Excel format file, prepared by the bank to enter the data of the employees