In compliance with the extended European Union’s Payment Services Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD 2) and the Payment Services and Payment Systems Act (PSPSA), BACB offers portals intended for payment service providers (TPPs).
The offered services are based on the National Technical Standard BISTRA (Banking Interfaces for Standardized Payments) and are compliant with the requirements of the PSPSA and Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2). The following publications are available for TPPs:
- API interfaces according to BISTRA
- Account Information Service, Payment Initiation Service and Funds Confirmation Service
- TPPs user consent management system
- Developer portal in English, including documentation and test environment (sandbox)
To access the environments:
- Test environment providing testing option, available at the following Internet address:
- Production environment available at the following Internet address:
BACB AD is in the process of migrating to a new online banking platform. Until the completion of the full migration, according to Art. 31 of RTS (Regulatory Technical Standards) to Regulation EU 2018/389, the Bank advises the TPPs to use the interfaces intended for identification and for communication with the users of the payment services of BACB AD through the developed “Third Party Provider’s (TPP) Controlled Access Mechanism within the Current Internet Banking (Virtual Bank)”. For additional details and for obtaining technical documentation, please contact us at:
As of 7 January 2020 BACB publishes statistics on a quarterly basis to compare the accessibility of the interfaces provided by the Bank to its payment service users for direct access to their online payment accounts on a daily basis.